Siloxane Bridge Linked Gold Nanoparticle-Liquid Crystalline Nanocomposite

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Federal University, Lokoja, Lokoja, Nigeria

Beilstein Arch. 2024, 202436.

Published 05 Jun 2024

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This preprint has not been peer-reviewed. When a peer-reviewed version is available, this information will be updated.


Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) composite with the gold surface linked directly with the mesogen through in-situ generated siloxane has been synthesised and is hereby presented.  Silane conjunction approach was carried out by capping AuNPs with 11-Marcapto-1-Undecanol (AuNPMUD) while the laterally terminal alkene of the mesogen (1) was converted to triethoxysilane end group (2) by hydrosilylation reaction. The hydrolysis and condensation of the ethoxy group of the mesogen (2) with the hydroxyl group of the capped AuNPs afforded the nanocomposite (3). The nanocomposite showed smectic arrangement under polarised optical microscope.

Keywords: Gold nanoparticles; hydrosilylation; mesogen; nematic; nanocomposites.

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When a peer-reviewed version of this preprint is available, this information will be updated in the information box above. If no peer-reviewed version is available, please cite this preprint using the following information:

Amos, O.; Mehl, G. H. Beilstein Arch. 2024, 202436. doi:10.3762/bxiv.2024.36.v1

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