Synthesis and characterization of β-carboline fatty alcohol hybrids as potential biological active and antioxidant molecules

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Indian Institute of Technology BHU, Varanasi, India

Beilstein Arch. 2020, 2020135.

Published 30 Nov 2020

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This preprint has not been peer-reviewed. When a peer-reviewed version is available, this information will be updated.


Nine new β-carboline fatty alcohol hybrids were synthesized from natural amino acid L-tryptophan and hybridized with 10-undecenol via ester linkage. All the synthesized products were characterized in each step by spectral techniques (1H, 13C NMR mass and HRMS). Synthesized β-carboline derivatives (7a-i) were screened for biological activities such as antimicrobial, antifungal, antibio film and anticancer. Compounds 7d and 7f showed most potent antimicrobial activity against B.subtilis MTCC 121, M.luteus MTCC 2470, S.aureus MTCC 96 and C.albicans MTCC 3017 bacterial strains ranged from 2.8 to 28.3 µg/mL. Biofilm inhibition assay showed that the compound 7f exhibited better activity against three bacterial stains with IC50 values from 1.8 to 2.9 µM. All the β-carboline derivatives showed cytotoxic activity, among them compounds 7f and 7h (IC50 values 9.1 and 11.4 µM) were exhibited potential activity. Free radical scavenging activity via DPPH assay revealed that compound 7g acted as good antioxidant molecule than all the tested compounds.

Keywords: β-carboline; L-tryptophan; antimicrobial; anticancer; pharmacophore

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When a peer-reviewed version of this preprint is available, this information will be updated in the information box above. If no peer-reviewed version is available, please cite this preprint using the following information:

Kontham, V.; Ippakayala, B.; Madhu, D. Beilstein Arch. 2020, 2020135. doi:10.3762/bxiv.2020.135.v1

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