Beilstein Arch. 2020, 2020129.
Published 12 Nov 2020
Cinchona alkaloid derived organocatalysts are widely employed in various asymmetric transformations, yielding products with high enantiopurity. In this respect, a bifunctional quinine derived sulfonamide organocatalyst was developed to catalyze the asymmetric sulfa-Michael reaction of naphthalene-1-thiol with trans-chalcone derivatives. The target sulfa-Michael adducts were obtained with up to 96% ee under mild conditions and with a low (1 mol%) catalyst loading. Selected enantiomerically enriched SMA products were subjected to oxidation to obtain corresponding sulfones.
Keywords: asymmetric synthesis; organocatalysis; sulfa-Michael reaction; cinchona alkaloids; bifunctional catalysis
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Tözendemir, D.; Tanyeli, C. Beilstein Arch. 2020, 2020129. doi:10.3762/bxiv.2020.129.v1
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